About Us geometals

The U.S. geothermal resource is vast, however, only a small portion of it has been developed due to the unique technological challenges associated with geothermal environments and a regulatory system that requires long lead times to secure needed operational permits. The mature, domestic oil and gas industry can provide a great deal of benefit on overcoming the remaining barriers in geothermal technology. The Geothermal Technologies Office seeks to develop a means through which the oil and gas and geothermal industries can collaborate and undertake beneficial research and development aimed at addressing the challenges in the geothermal industry and facilitating increased deployment of geothermal technologies nationwide. The partnering of these two industries is logical, given that they both pursue similar outcomes; accessing and engineering the subsurface to produce energy.



The oil and gas industry is orders of magnitude larger than all other sources of energy today. A technological mindset and appetite for early adoption continues to position this sector at the forefront of many modern scientific advancements. US GeoMetals seeks to provide a bridge where applicable advancements can be shared between all responsible sources of energy in a manner that is sustainable and scalable. We will provide a forum for open collaboration amongst the technological experts in geothermal and oil and gas to harness the best of both and fuel mankind’s growing needs for safe and clean energy.